Dolly Trolleys
Bale platforms
Tandem trailers
2-axle trailers
Trailer designed to carry crops. The Interior of the body is smooth, which minimizes damage to agricultural products during loading and unloading.
Przyczepa przeznaczona głównie do przewozu roślin okopowych. Wnętrze skrzyni ładunkowej jest gładkie, co zmniejsza do minimum uszkodzenia produktów rolniczych podczas załadunku i rozładunku.
Trailer primarily designed to carry root crops. The Interior of the cargo space is smooth, which reduces to a minimum the damage to agricultural products during loading and unloading.
Trailer designed to carry crops. The Interior of the loading box is smooth, which minimizes damage to agricultural products during loading and unloading.
Trailer designed to carry crops. The Interior of the body is smooth, which minimizes damage to agricultural products during loading and unloading. Conical shape of the box makes unloading of the trailer easy.
Fast and professional with a possibility to use the factory production facilities
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